Hackery, Math & Design

Steven Wittens i

Drupal filter system updating

For a long time people have been complaining about the filter system in Drupal. This is the part that handles the transformation from user-supplied input into the HTML output, and takes such responsibilities like HTML tag stripping, code tags, auto-links, etc.

Like most parts of Drupal, it's very modular and pluggable. Still, it doesn't do what most people want. In fact, it lacks some features which are present in most other CMS. To address these issues I've been thinking about a major filter system upgrade for a couple of months, but I haven't had time to actually do it, until now.

The root of the problem is that Drupal only has one global filtering profile: the same settings and rules are applied to all input, regardless of who posted it or where it was posted. Administrators cannot have looser filters than anonymous visitors. In some cases (blocks, book and site pages), some customizability is available through a module-specific selector for text, HTML or PHP code, which is then only available to administrators, but this is independent of the filter system.

My solution basically consists of multiple filter profiles.

Instead of one global profile, administrators will be free to define as many profiles as they want. Each profile contains its own filter configuration: which filters are enabled, in what order and with what settings. Access to filter profiles is configurable with roles.

In addition to this, some small extra filters will be created out of current pieces of code. For example, one for evaluating PHP code. Instead of block, book and page.module each having a PHP type, the admin can simply set up a PHP filtering profile, restricted to admins, and enter content with that type in the blocks and pages to be run as PHP code.

For anonymous users, only one profile is likely to be available, and in that case nothing changes for them. Only when multiple profiles are enabled do you get a selector (dropdown or radio) below a textarea to choose the format.

Now, the idea sounds nice, but how do we implement it?

1) Filters need to be made profile-aware. Since the filter-ordering changes in 4.4, filters have grown already from simple hooks to registered things. We simply expand the filter hook and require modules to store information per-profile. This is not a problem because most configuration is done with Drupal variables anyway: simple prefixing will work. For complex filters which have extra setting pages, the module can decide to have global settings or per-profile settings itself. For example, smileys.module will probably not require separate sets of smileys per profile: you either have smileys enabled or you don't.

2) How to store type information Secondly, and this is the biggest problem, is where and how to store the information about which profile a particular piece of content uses. Either we provide a function to output a profile form selector and put the responsibility for using it in modules, or we simply include the selector with form_textarea, and pick a standard format for handling metadata about pieces of text (a fieldname_meta column for fieldname? change textfields into arrays with 'text' 'type' members?). I prefer the form_textarea method because it fits in with how we now handle tips about filtering below textareas.

3) Updating modules that display content When a module has to display a piece of user-supplied text and passes it to check_output, it would also have to pass the profile used. This is all that is needed, so it keeps the hassle minimal. Checking which profile can be used and who used it is done on submission, not on viewing, so no permissions checks have to be done when filtering takes place.

4) Include a modified, profile-aware filtercache The additional complexity would reduce performance a bit, but the increase in power would be huge. On top of that, many people agree with me that filtercache offers significant speedups for a site that uses any sort of non-trivial filtering, so I will push for inclusion of a (modified) filtercache along with the major changes.

5) Handle editboxes A final problem is what to do with regular editboxes. Right now there is no consensus whether or not to filter them. Some people want to used HTML in them, others don't. Including a type selector for every editbox is unnecessary and nearly impossible to do from a UI point of view, so I would instead just let the admin choose one profile to be used for non-textarea content which would default to 'plain-text'.

A typical set-up of profiles would be: - Filtered HTML: default type for regular visitors, HTML is limited to a set of allowed tags, CSS can be stripped. - Plain-text: default type for editboxes - Raw HTML: only for admins, performs no filtering on the HTML - PHP: only for admins, executes the PHP code and outputs the result

Filters like Textile can either be used as the default profile or as an extra profile for those who want to give their visitors a choice. People who do not need any filtering complexity simply use the same setup as before and nothing changes for visitors. The only difference is that they, as admins, still have more control and options for filtering.

Dev  Drupal
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